Upcoming Gigs

Greetings humans,

Once again I assault your brains with my mind thoughts, and once again at irregular intervals. Things have been very busy as of late and I apologize for the lack of consistency in both my newsletters and the SEANCAST PODCAST. These past weeks have seen me hurled headlong into my latest endeavor, a new album! More on that later.

Now the gigs!

-Tomorrow June 16th, I will be leading a trio at Scholes St. Studio at 9:30 as part of the 4x Collective.

-I’ll be at the Hotel Hugo in SoHo with Carte Blanche next Thursday and Friday from 8-10. Check the CB page for updates.

-Wednesday the 21st will find me at the Owl Shop in New Haven from 9-12 with the Hawkins Jazz Collective.

And hold on to your fidget spinners folks because I’ve been selected as a semi-finalist at the International Jarek Smietana Jazz Guitar Competition in Krakow Poland at the end of this month. Check out my facebook page and podcast for updates!

Hasta luego,



And check out my album!

Sean Clapis Newsletter (November 2016)

Greetings humans,

As I punch these words feverishly into my touchscreen, the season finale of the hit reality TV series known as “America” draws nearer. Assuming the earth doesn’t split in two and zombies don’t clamber out and devour us, come Tuesday night we will have a new commander in chief…elect.

And now the gigs!

-On Friday November 18th we start off with a double header. First, I’ll be at the Hotel Hugo in SoHo with Carte Blanche from 7-9pm. Then we’re off to the Django at the Roxy Hotel from 10:30-1:30am.

-Wednesday November 23rd and 30th will find me back at my favorite cigar bar/jazz club, The Owl Shop in New Haven with the impeccable HJC from 9-12am.

-On Friday the 25th you can come work off all that turkey and stuffing by dancing at Tavern on the Green. I’ll be there with Fleur Seule from 6-10am.

-On Saturday the 26th I’ll be at Tanner Smith’s also with Fleur Seule from 11-1am.

-On Monday the 28th I’ll be back at Macao with Carte Blanche from 10-12am for our residency.

-Starting off December on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2nd, I’ll be at the Hotel Hugo with Carte Blanche from 7-9pm for our weekly residency.

-And finally on Sunday the 4th, I’ll be at Scholes Street Studio in Brooklyn with my good friend and musical brother Sebastien Ammann. Also joining us on the bandstand will be the fantastic Allan Mednard and the lovely Adam Cote. We start the party at 12:30pm and there will be lots of incredible music from the 4X Collective after us.

That’s all for now. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Sean Clapis
Brooklyn, NY

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And here’s a link to my album

Sean Clapis Newsletter (November 2015)

Greetings fellow humans,

Well well well. It seems fall is finally upon us. Ma’ earth seemed like she might pull a 180 and take us right back into summer for a while there. But now we can look forward to all things November, including football, turkey (or tofurkey) and gigs!

But first, some light reading.

-Owen McNally wrote a wonderful piece about my album which can be read here.

-Seeing Carte Blanche is apparently one of NY’s best fall date ideas. Thanks Elite Daily!

And now, the gigs!

-On Thursday November 12th, I’ll be playing with Carte Blanche at Pravda, our favorite Russian watering hole from 9-11.

-On Saturday the 14th, I’ll be at Tavern on the Green with Fleur Seule for brunch from 12-4.

-Monday night the 16th will find me back at Macao with my CB fellows from 9:30-12.

-And you can catch us on Tuesday the 17th at The Lamb’s Club in Times Square for dinner at 8.

-Regular hits with the Hawkins Jazz Collective in New Haven will continue at 9pm on Wednesdays this month at the Owl Shop. (11th, 18th and 25th)

-And finally, you can catch CB at Rockwood Stage 2 on Saturday the 21st at midnight.

That’s all for now. Be sure to check out “The Unseen River”, out on RMI and available now via iTunes, Bandcamp and CD Bae


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Sean Clapis Newsletter (October 2015)

Greetings folks,

And so it finally feels like fall. Time to break out your Pumpkin Spice Lattes, (which actually have no pumpkin flavor whatsoever), your Halloween Whoppers, (which contain more green food coloring than a St. Patrick’s Day cake) and do the whip and nae nae on top of a pile of pumpkins.

Here are some gigs!

-On Monday October 12th, Carte Blanche will appear at Macao in Tribeca. 9:30-12 and no cover!

-Tuesday the 13th, I’ll be at Radegast in Williamsburg from 8-11. Also no cover!

-On Wednesday the 14th and the 21st, I’ll be back at the Owl Shop in New Haven with the Hawkins Jazz Collective from 9-12.

-I’m very excited to announce my first duo show with my good friend and colleague Adam Coté, in a band called Clapoté, a name I came up with just now. We’ll be at Pete’s Candy Store on October 22nd at 9pm performing music by Elliot Smith, Jon Brion, George Harrison and maybe some originals as well!

-On Friday the 23rd, my band “Bad Idea” will be at The Buttonwood Tree in Middletown, CT. We’ll be playing music from our new album, “The Unseen River”, out now on RMI Records. First set is at 8.

-Saturday the 24th and the 31st will find me back at Tavern on the Green in Central Park with Fleur Seule for brunch at noon on both dates.

-On Wednesday the 28th, Carte Blanche will be at Esperanto in the East Village from 8-11.

-For Thursday the 29th, Clapoté strikes again at The Flat in Williamsburg, making music at 9.

-And finally, Carte Blanche will be making our first appearance at Club Bonafide, Richard Bona’s new jazz club on Friday the 30th. First set is at 9.

That’s all for now. Hope to see you around!



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Sean Clapis Newsletter (September 2015)

Greetings people

I realize it has been over two months since you have heard my booming God-like voice in your collective brains, and I apologize profusely for not providing an August correspondence.

In that month known for its dog days, its harvests, meteor showers and tennis, the earth made an annual passage around that celestial orb known as the sun, beginning my 28th year of life on this planet.

August comprised the perfect balance of work and play. A few gigs here, a weekend backpacking there. A couple great shows with Carte Blanche in Portland, followed by a respite on a lake in the mountains of western Maine. Local shows in New York and CT, and finally topping things off with some family time in Spain, sipping sidra and eating jamon.

But alas, this month it’s back to the grind. The gigs!

This week will find me on a brief stint with the fabulous Fleur Seule.

-On Thursday the 10th, I’ll be up in New Paltz at the Mohonk Mountain House swinging away with Fleur Seule for their Music on the Mountain Series at 9pm.

-We’ll be back at Tavern on the Green on Friday night from 7-11.

-Monday, September 14th, Carte Blanche will be at one of our favorite spots in the city, Macao, from 9:30-12.

-After a long absence at Pravda, Carte Blanche will be back at the Russian bar in Soho on Thursday the 17th from 9-11.

-On Friday the 18th, Bad Idea hits the stage at Rockwood Music Hall at 1am for the late set. Check out the new record here!

-Saturday evening at 10pm, I will be at Tanner Smith’s in midtown performing with Fleur Seule.

-On Tuesday the 29th, Carte Blanche plays at the Lamb’s Club near Times Square at 8.

-And finally, I’ll be back at the Owl Shop in New Haven every Wednesday this month! September 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th. Hard hitting music with the Hawkins Jazz Collective from 9-12. You dig?

For those of you who made it to the end of this exhaustive correspondence, won’t you check out my new album, “The Unseen River” out now on RMI records? If you like it, buy some for your friends. If you hate it, buy some for your enemies.

Until next time,


If you’d like to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please throw rotten eggs at my apartment building, or reply with “unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

Sean Clapis Newsletter (July 2015)

Greetings everyone,

As Americans gear up for a long, painfully gaff-filled campaign process leading up to the 2016 elections, confederate flags come down in South Carolina. Thousands of same sex couples file for marriage all over the country, and just in time to shoot off lots of fireworks, eat BBQ and celebrate freedom baby! Meanwhile, Greece votes to pay off its Euro debt in yogurt. Bet you didn’t hear about that one, did you? Anyway, since you no longer have Game of Thrones to look forward to every week, here are some shows you can kinda sorta maybe look forward to.

-This Sunday, July 12th, I will be at the Carlton Hotel with Carte Blanche performing for the “Brasil Loves France Bastille Weekend Dance Party”. Some other performers include Vitor Goncalves and Eliano Braz among others. We go on at 9pm. Grab your tickets fast.

-Monday the 13th will find us back at Macao, one of our favorite TriBeCa hangouts from 9-12.

-On Tuesday the 14th, we will make our 3rd appearance at Joe’s Pub. We hit the stage at 9:30. Tickets are available here.

-I’ll be back at the Owl Shop in New Haven with the Hawkins Jazz Collective on Wednesdays this month, June 15th, 22nd and 29th from 9-12.

-Saturday June 18th, I’ll be doing a double header with Fleur Seule. We’ll be at Tavern on the Green for brunch from 12-4pm. Afterwards, come join us for Tropicana Nights at the Copacabana. We play from 7-11pm and there will be lots of ballroom dancing at this legendary NYC club. Get your tickets online or at the door.

-On Sunday the 19th, Carte Blanche is back at the Rainbow Room in Rockefeller Center for brunch from 12-4pm.

-Monday the 20th will find Carte Blanche returning to Radegast Hall and Biergarten in Williamsburg from 8-11pm.

-Join us as we wrap up our summer residency at the Rose Bar in the Gramercy Park Hotel on Tuesdays the 21st and 28th and Thursdays the 23rd and 30th from 8-10pm. We’ve been subbing for the impeccable showman Brian Newman, who will be back in August, fresh off his tour with Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett, so please come catch us soon.

-Friday June 24th and Saturday June 25th, I will be back at Tavern on the Green with Fleur Seule. Dance with us on Friday evening as we play out in the courtyard from 7-11pm, and relax with a mimosa on Saturday as we play from 12-4pm.

-Finally, you can check out Carte Blanche once more this month at Macao on Monday the 27th from 9-12.

But wait! There’s more! Here’s a link to check out “The Unseen River”, out now on RMI Records. Spend no money, or spend all the money. Whatever works for you. And as always, stay classy.


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Sean Clapis Newsletter (June 2015)

Greetings friends,

“Though the solstice has yet to grace our humble hemisphere, this has never stopped summer from prematurely accosting New York City with her vernal vicissitudes”, he thought as he marched past legions of shiny humans, gasping for breath as they shuffled between skyscrapers, like fish in a roiling stream. Now begin the proverbial days plenty, when nights grow long and one awakens, eyes stinging with sweat, to the melodious din of ice cream trucks and screaming children. “Oh how I wish I was in the high mountains, far from the clamoring mob.” He cursed silently, feverishly scrolling away at his phone. Then the train approached the subway platform, bringing with it a rush of cold air, and for a moment all was right in the world.

Fear not the heat! Here are some gigs!

This Thursday June 18th, I will be up in Willimantic CT, playing with Chris Beaudry, Tim Norton and Itay Morchi. We’ll be performing at the 3rd Thursday Street Fest. Come hang out, grab a growler at willibrew, eat street food and listen to jazz. The downbeat is at 7:45 and we’ll be on the Downtown Stage.

On Friday the 19th, Condesa will be back at Rockwood Stage 1 for happy hour at 6pm.

On Saturday the 20th, I’ll be at Tavern on the Green with Fleur Seule playing lots of swing music. Grab a partner and hit the dance floor if you so desire, or just order a mimosa and listen. We play 12-4pm.

Later that evening, join Bad Idea in Brooklyn for a set at Branded Saloon from 8-9pm.

But wait! Saturday isn’t over yet because Carte Blanche plays at St. Mazie, our favorite Williamsburg speak easy at 10pm.

Next Monday, June 22nd, Carte Blanche is back in Tribeca at Macao from 9:30-12am.

On Tuesday the 23rd and Thursday the 25th, We continue our residency at the Rose Bar in the Gramercy Park Hotel. We play two sets from 8-10pm

Friday the 25th will find me back at Tavern on the Green with Fleur Seule from 6-10pm.

And on Saturday the 26th, Carte Blanche will be back at Rockwood Stage 2. We play at Midnight.

That’ll be all for now. I hope to see your beautiful faces at some of these.

And finally, here is a link to check out my new album, “The Unseen River” out now on RMI Records.!!!!

And finally finally, jazz great Ornette Coleman passed away this week. I would be remiss not to include some kind of tribute in this post. His influence on jazz and creative music in general casts a big shadow. Whether a fan of his work or not, his courage and conviction forced players and listeners alike to think of music in a different way. Without Ornette, dare I say that music would be less interesting today. So thank you Mr. Coleman.



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Sean Clapis Newsletter (February 2015)

Attached is my February newsletter. Sign up on the “contact” page to receive the latest news, music and ramblings from yours truly.

Sean Clapis Newsletter (Winter 2015)

Greetings all,

I realize it has been much too long since I’ve accosted your eyeballs with my brain thoughts. In that short time, our humble planetary body successfully completed another revolution around that even bigger, yellow planet known as the sun.

Here are some things that have happened since our last correspondence:
-We successfully landed the Rosetta spacecraft on a comet 3.7 billion miles away traveling at over 31,000 mph (meh).
-North Korea flipped out over a comedy with no actual “comedy” in it.
-Kim K broke the internet with her butt and lots of photoshop. (Fun fact: Butts became the most popular song topic/tweet of 2014).

-Kevin Hart was in 187 movies this year, a feet only surpassed by Tyler Perry in 2009.

-US/Cuba relations warmed a bit (much like a Cuba Libre in the hot island sun).
Suffice it to say, it was a pretty eventful year, and 2015 doesn’t seem to be letting up. But with all the news, both uplifting and disheartening, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. Fortunately for you, I’ll be making some noise that you’ll be happy to get lost in.
And now, the gigs!
Saturday, February 7th at St. Mazie in Brooklyn with Carte Blanche from 10:30-1:30.
Monday, February 9th at Macao in Lower Manhattan from 9:30-12:30.
Thursdays, February 12th and 19th at Pravda in Soho from 10-midnight.
Wednesdays, February 18th and 25th at the Owl Shop in New Haven with the Hawkins Jazz Collective from 9-midnight.
Monday, February 23rd at Radegast Beerhall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn from 8-11 also with Carte Blanche.
Thursday, February 26th at Esperanto in Manhattan’s LES from 7-10.
Saturday, February 28th at Jalopy in Redhook, Brooklyn at 10:30.
That’s all for now. Don’t change that email address.
Seany Sean
P.S. Here’s a belated holiday gift, compliments of my brilliant brothers Mike, Justin and (sort of brother) Matt.
And here’s a little something from me.
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